Theological Terms-Concepts


perspicuity (note: it is 'per spi cuity' - not per pis cuity)

claritas Scripturae = clarity (of) Scripture

a quality of the Scriptures - not a quality of the reader

the Bible is plain, intelligible, clear, having clarity, understandable



important principles associated with the perspicuity of the Bible:

the Bible is God's 'voice' on earth
...therefore, it is God speaking directly to each person
...therefore, no ecclesiastical group or person is God's voice on earth

the Bible is sufficient to lead a person to Christ
...therefore, no person is essential to lead someone to Christ
...therefore, individual persons can come to Christ through reading the Bible themselves

the Bible is not too hard for a lay person to understand on their own
...therefore, someone 'with authority' is not essential to interpret it for them

the Bible does have some passages that are hard to understand
...therefore, the believer has the Holy Spirit to illuminate these to them
...therefore, the Bible is its own interpreter: clear passages interpret less clear passages
...therefore, the believer is to personally study and rightly divide God's Word
...therefore, God gifts some in Christ's Body to aid a believer's understanding

note: if a person habitually cannot understand the Bible (the things of the Spirit of God) it might be because they are still a natural man - not yet spiritual / spiritually alive, born again (1 Cor 2:14; Jn 3:3)

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