Pray Defined Scriptures
use Bible verses as part of your prayers to God
look up the simple biblical definitions
of key words in the verses
(using bible dictionaries like Strong's, Zodhiates, Vine's
- and not regular dictionaries)
pray the verses with portions of the word definitions
verse: casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.
(1 Pt 5:7)
word being defined: cast (Strong's #1977 epirrhipto)
to throw upon (lit or fig) cast upon, fig. in regard to a concern or care,
to cast off / upon in filial confidence
[from #1909 epi = on + #4496 rhipto = a sudden motion, to fling... with a quick toss - thus differing from #906 ballo = violent, intense... thrust]
simple biblical definition: cast = a quick flinging motion (upon God)
- not taking a long time, nor using violence or intensity
note: this verse is connected with humbling myself
under God's mighty hand (vs 6a)
personal reflection: the humility commanded (vs 6a)
will be exhibited by actually doing as God has said
and casting the anxiety upon Him (vs 7) (doing it!)
His care for me provides the motivation
Lord, I cast upon You - here it comes... with a quick flinging motion,
all my anxiety - these disabling cares and worried thoughts
that are disturbing me and distracting me away from You. Done!
Thank You, Father, that You care for me - with Your keen interest
and loving concern. :)
I really appreciated how you applied what you had taught with a prayer at the end. That was so helpful! Love it!