Sin Condition of Mankind

(a few super simplifications to help understand sin)

sin = rebellion against and disobedience to God and His will

we sin because we're born with an inherent / inherited sin nature
we are sinners because we practice sin

sin is...
universal (includes everyone - it is imputed to all because of and from Adam)
hereditary (it is passed down to us through and from our parents)
personal (our own individual sins)

we sin by...
not only missing the mark
but also hitting the wrong mark

we sin by...
commission (an action of doing what is wrong)
omission (a non action - a failure to do what is right)

sin causes death...
spiritual (we are born spiritually dead - to the things of God)
physical (we will one day die, it is appointed to us to die physically)
eternal (the unbeliever's agonizing eternal torment away from God's presence)

Our sin problem is a very serious matter to God

God has given us the only sin remedy there is - in and through Jesus Christ

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