The Unbeliever's Destiny

never forget the dreadful consequences
of those who die without being saved
(as found in Luke 16:23-28)

unbelievers, upon their death...

will lift up their eyes in Hades
and will be in TORMENT

will KNOW where they are
having conscious existence

but none will be given

will be in AGONY in the flame
as the rich man was

will desire their tongue to be cooled off
but NO WATER will be given them
(not even a dipped finger's worth)

will find there is NO ESCAPE from that place

will want someone to go WARN their family
so their family won't have to go to that place of torment
but will be told their family has the same witness/warning as they did
(Moses and the prophets / God's Word)
so no new ones will be given to them

note: this is a parable Jesus told
a parable is a simple story (account) that illustrates a moral or spiritual lesson
being a parable does not negate the truth of the factual content

note: our response to the truth of the unbeliever's destiny
is to be Christ's ambassadors
and know it is as though God is making an appeal through us
as we beg others on behalf of Christ
to be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:20)
(before it's too late)

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