A Theological Doctrine

Bibliology - Revelation, to Israel Alone

Prompters: Bibliology - Revelation, to Israel Alone (Ps 147; Rm 3)



Bible Fact: God revealed His words (the Word of God, the Bible) to and through the nation of Israel alone.

- He declares His words to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any nation; and as for His ordinances, they have not known them. (Ps 147:19-20)

- Then what advantage has the Jew? ...Great in every respect. First of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God. (Rm 3:1a,2)


: No writings outside the Bible (which was given to and through Israel) contain the specific words of God to mankind. This means all other writings claiming to be revelation from God are false.

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