Hermies and Exies

Rule: the Bible's Primary Purpose

our learning the way of salvation through the Bible is excellent...
but it is not the primary purpose of the Bible

our increasing in Bible knowledge (once we are saved) is excellent...
but it is not the primary purpose of the Bible

our lives being changed through and by the Bible is excellent...
but it is not the primary purpose of the Bible

our being guided by, comforted by, and encouraged by the Bible is excellent...
but it is not the primary purpose of the Bible

the primary purpose of the Bible is...
to reveal God
and bring glory to Him

we come to know Him (insofar as He has revealed Himself to us)
we become a part of bringing glory to Him
by making Him accurately known
according to what the Scriptures actually teach about Him
with the result of His being praised, celebrated, and worshiped
as He should be

while not excluding us (it is a revelation of God to us, and His will for us)
God's Word is not about us
it's about Him


  1. His words also bring us JOY. See John 15:11.

  2. I always learn something new when I visit your site! Thank you for your 'labor of love'.


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